Drop scones recipe – works without fail!
This is the only drop scone recipe my granny used, and it was passed down to us when she taught us to bake when we were peedie.
Drop scones might also be referred to as Scottish pancakes and they are delicious served warm with butter, jam (or with nutella or syrup). The recipe comes from an old Shapinsay SWRI recipe book and is credited to Minnie Russell of Brecks & Myres.
This is the only drop scone recipe my granny used, and it was passed down to us when she taught us to bake when we were peedie. It makes about 16 and it always works without fail.
You can’t really go wrong with the recipe below – it always works without fail. It makes about 16, and takes about an hour, however this depends on how many you can fit on your pan or griddle at a time. I have used many different cup sizes depending on what was in the cupboard at the time, and you just adjust the milk to suit.

- 2 cups of self raising flour
- 2 tbsp caster sugar
- 1 level tsp cream of tartar
- ½ tsp baking soda
- 2 tbsp oil (vegetable or sunflower)
- 1 tbsp syrup
- 2 eggs
- Milk to mix

- Put a frying pan or griddle on the cooker over a low heat to heat through evenly while you prepare the batter; and set out a wire rack and a clean tea towel beside the cooker.
- Put all ingredients in a bowl and mix, adding as much milk as needed to make to a thick cream using an electric hand mixer.
Tip: if you don’t have a cup measure, use about 350g flour. And I used about 200ml milk however every batter is different depending on amount of other liquids such as eggs and syrup. It’s better for the mix to be thicker rather than thinner, as a little extra milk can be added if needed once you’ve tried the first one.

- To bake, wipe the pan or griddle with a little oil, then drop a tablespoon of mixture onto the griddle. Turn when bubbles appear on the surface. It may take a couple of attempts to get the heat correct to get the desired colour, and if you feel the mixture is a little too thick, you can mix in a little more milk into the batter before trying the next one. No more than a tablespoon at a time as you don’t want the mixture to be runny.

- When the scone is ready, place on the tea towel and fold it over to keep them warm while you prepare the rest.
- Best served warm with butter or jam.

Orkney born and bred. Enjoys socialising from spending time in Shetland for events and catching up with friends; playing tenor drum in the Kirkwall City pipe band; cooking and baking for folk; or playing netball with her team mates in her spare time.
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