Orkney Beach Race 2014
Friday 25th July 2014
NorthLink Ferries were delighted to sponsor the 2014 Orkney Motocross Club beach race on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th July. This is a spectacular three hour endurance race on a three-mile-long track over sand dunes and fields. The race is held at the Bu in Burray and attracts riders come from all over Britain.
It’s a great day for spectators too – especially photographers – we hope you enjoy the pictures below!

Orkney Beach Race 2014 – the starting line

A rider takes to the air

The sand dunes provide excellent jumps for the riders

The track becomes more hazardous as the race progresses!

A speeding rider at the Orkney Motocross Club Beach Race!

We hope this jumping rider has a soft landing!

We’re great admirers of these brave sportsmen!

A rider crosses the finishing line!

NorthLink Ferries were delighted to sponsor the Orkney Motocross Club Beach Race

If you missed this year’s beach race, we’d highly recommend attending next year. It’s great to see young Orcadian sportsmen and sportswomen enjoying and making the most of their island surroundings!