The Orkney Nature Festival Cruise 2024

Monday 12th May 2024

The Orkney Nature Festival Cruise on MV Hamnavoe took place on Sunday 12th May 2024, between 13:15 to 16:15 and saw 400 passengers board the ship to circumnavigate the island of Hoy.

In previous years, the cruise has marked the end of the Orkney Nature Festival. However, in 2024, the cruise was used to kick off the festival and promote the other great Orkney Nature Festival events. Running for the first time since 2019, it was a great day out with a fantastic atmosphere onboard, and passengers were treated to a delicious buffet, tastings of Kirkjuvagr Orkney Gin, a wildlife and history commentary, and some spectacular sights.

The Hamnavoe sailed clockwise around Hoy, taking in Graemsay, Cava, Fara, Flotta, Switha, Cantick Head, The Berry, Little Rackwick, The Old Man of Hoy and St John’s Head. There was even time to enjoy a brief stop in Rackwick bay! Plenty of seabirds flew past the ferry, and a minke whale was briefly spotted.

Keep scrolling down for photos of the day – and thank you to everyone who joined and made the cruise so special!

RSPB team
RSPB team photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
On the Bridge
On the Bridge photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
Catering Team
Catering Team photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
Buffet photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
In the dog lounge
In the dog lounge photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
Orkney Nature Festival Team
Orkney Nature Festival Team photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
Out on deck
Out on deck photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
Outside deck
Outside deck photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
A dog's eye view
A dog’s eye view photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
The Crockness Martello Tower
The Crockness Martello Tower photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
Enjoying the scenery
Enjoying the scenery photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
Wartime coastal defence buildings on Flotta
Wartime coastal defence buildings on Flotta photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
Gannet in flight
Gannet in flight photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
Stanger Head on Flotta
Stanger Head on Flotta photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
Cantick Head Lighthouse
Cantick Head Lighthouse photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
Sea cave
Sea cave photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
Kirkjuvagr Orkney Gin
Kirkjuvagr Orkney Gin photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
The coast of Hoy
The coast of Hoy photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
Viewing the cliffs on Hoy's southern coastline
Viewing the cliffs on Hoy’s southern coastline photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
The red sandstone cliffs of Hoy
The red sandstone cliffs of Hoy photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
Cliffs and sea caves
Cliffs and sea caves photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
Dramatic cliff scenery
Dramatic cliff scenery photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
A waterfall on Hoy
A waterfall on Hoy photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
Rackwick Bay
Rackwick Bay photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
The Candle of the Sneuk
The Candle of the Sneuk photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
The Old Man of Hoy
The Old Man of Hoy photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
Close to the Old Man
Close to the Old Man photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
Passing St John's Head
Passing St John’s Head photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
Viewing the Old Man of Hoy from the Hamnavoe
Viewing the Old Man of Hoy from the Hamnavoe photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon
Homeward bound
Homeward bound photo © Copyright Victoria Dixon