Captain Dave Wheeler retirement presentations
Friday 2nd September 2016
Our team at NorthLink Ferries has honoured Capt. Dave Wheeler with retirement ceremonies on board MV Hjaltland in Aberdeen and Lerwick, Shetland.
On 19th August, Crew members and shore staff, along with Stuart Garrett, Managing Director of NorthLink Ferries and George Adam, the Lord Provost of Aberdeen, joined to congratulate and thank Captain Dave Wheeler, 62, for his dedication and hard work for his 27 years of service on the Northern Isles passenger vessels.

On Monday 29th August, a small presentation was held in Aberdeen on board MV Hjaltland with Colin Parker, Chief Executive from Aberdeen Harbour Board in attendance.

One last presentation was held on board the ship, while berthed in Lerwick. Crew and shore side staff attended the presentation with Sandra Laurenson, Chief Executive from Lerwick Port Authority presenting a gift to Capt. Wheeler.

Captain Dave Wheeler, who retired on Wednesday 31st August, sailed MV Hjaltland one last time departing Lerwick sailing to Aberdeen on 30th August at which time his vessel received a salute form all ships in Lerwick Port and an escort from the LPA Pilot Cutter.

Captain Wheeler said: “The great majority of that career has been spent up here on the North Boats. Whilst it would be stretching the truth a little to say that I’ve enjoyed every minute of the time spent up here I can honestly say that I have enjoyed huge chunks of it and I couldn’t wish for more than that in my chosen career“
“It’s now time to try my hand at a new career as full-time husband, part time granddad and part time skipper on my yacht, albeit something a little smaller than Hjaltland.”
Stuart Garrett, Managing Director of NorthLink Ferries, added: “It has been a pleasure to work alongside Capt. Wheeler and from everyone at NorthLink Ferries I would like to thank him for his commitment to the business and the Northern Isles routes over many years. We would all like to wish him a happy retirement.”